The Rum Company - British Rum | Subscription | Gifts

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Barnacle Brothers Small-Batch Coastal Rum

Born along the Isle of Wight’s coastline, founded by two brothers who were born and raised on the Island spending warm summer evenings on the beach. 

Small batch distillation with high-quality blends

Encouraging suitability, championing local, unique ingredients to make exceptional spirits. Hand-foraged botanicals are sourced from the Isle of Wight’s rugged and beautiful coastline to ensure sustainable regrowth. 

Base Jamaican rum is infused with macerated coastal botanicals and seaweed; responsibly, hand-foraged seaweed, rock samphire and coastal gorse flower. Further spiced with ginger, cinnamon and citrus pink grapefruit. 

Only the highest quality, sustainably foraged, organic sugar kelp and sea spaghetti is selected. The seaweed enhances the rum's flavour, working alongside the botanicals to add complexity, depth of flavour, incredible freshness and tempering the ‘alcohol burn’ associated with poor quality spirits. 

Gorse flowers almost all year round on the Isle of Wight and acts to maximise the natural depth of taste whilst offering a subtle coconut tone to the rum.
Rock Samphire grows naturally along the Isle of Wights coastline. A fresh botanical, high in Vitamin C that offers bright, citrus freshness to cut through the deep complex flavours in the rum. 

“Signature fresh taste”

Enjoy neat, over ice or pair with your favourite mixer. Pair with ginger ale, ginger beer, pineapple juice or cola for a classic pairing. 

Alternatively, try a twist on the original Rum Mule with a ‘Barnacle Cherry Mule’. Mix 50ml Barnacle Brothers Spiced Rum, juice of half a lime, 150ml ginger ale and 150ml of cherry juice. Serve over ice and garnish with a wedge of lime.